Name |
Please give the name of the applicant, whether corporate or personal. For a corporate entity, it could be a proposed or reserved name. |
Address |
Please include telephone and/or fax. |
Description or Proposal |
Please provide a comprehensive executive summary of the project. |
Principals |
Please list all of the principals in the venture (major beneficial owners), along with identifying particulars such as place and date of birth and passport or social security number for each one. |
Proposed Location |
It is important to state where in The Bahamas the project will be located. |
Land Requirements |
If a request is being made for publicly owned land, please state the acreage and location. Applicants who wish to acquire privately held land must also apply for a permit to do so. |
Proposed Start-up Date |
Please indicate the maximum time for the commencement, and if possible, completion of the project. |
Management/Personnel Requirements |
Please state the number of work permits that may be required for key personnel for administration and financial management. |
Capital Investment (MINIMUM – B$250,000) |
Please indicate the total capital investment to be made in the project, and provide a breakdown of the items involved and an estimate for start-up costs. |
Employment Projection |
Please indicate the number of Bahamians to be employed in construction and/or operation of the project in the first year. |
Financial Arrangements |
Please provide proof of financial capability, that is, a letter of credit from a financial institution or a net worth statement for each principal or verification of deposit of funds in a Bahamian Bank. |
Environmental Impact |
Please indicate any harmful environmental effects and list the mitigating measures that would be employed to deal with them. |